Shortcrust Tartlet with Custard and Raspberries


12 Pidy shortcrust tartlets 9cm or 11cm

1 cup of pistachios

2 cups of fresh raspberries


Custard :

2 cups of milk

4 egg yolks

1 cup of sugar

1/3 cup of cornstarch

¼ cup of flour

1 vanilla pod


Servings: 12


  1. Warm the milk over a low heat.
  2. Add the vanilla seeds and pod.
  3. Beat the egg yolks and add the sugar until you get a ruban.
  4. Add the flour and cornstarch and beat everything well.
  5. Pour the egg mixture into the milk and let the custard thicken over a low heat. Stir regularly until air bubbles appear.
  6. Pour the custard into a bowl and cover with a sheet of cling film.
  7. Place in the fridge and let it cool for about 30 minutes.
  8. Fill the tarts with the custard.
  9. Chop the pistachios into small pieces and sprinkle over the tartlets.
  10. Place the raspberries on the tartlets.
  11. Decorate with some icing sugar.

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